The lives of two hit men named Jules & Vincent are intertwined with that of a boxer, their boss Marsellus & his wife, and a pair of robbers in this modern masterpiece from 1994.  We take a look at Quentin Tarantino's masterpiece Pulp Fiction starring Samuel L. Jackson, John Travolta, Ving Rhames, Uma Thurman, Bruce Willis, and many more in the film that changed the way we look at crime movie story telling.  Many consider this to be amongst the best movies ever made and Mark & Matt are behind the mics this week to discuss it.

In Download This we tell you what we watched this past week including the League Of Superpets and in the news we discuss The Mandolrian season3 trailer, plus much more in the world of geekdom.  We then preview next week's film, The Beastmaster!
